Bible Month Training Day Report: Knutsford
/Rev. Dr. Jasmine Devadason, Learning and Development Officer of the Methodist Church’s North West and Mann Region gives an overview of their Bible Month training day.
We found our Bible Month training day most useful as a call to address the growing illiteracy of Biblical stories by giving an exposure to the theological and Biblical understanding of the chosen book, Colossians.
Around 80 participants from different parts of the North West region representing various churches actively participated in the regional Bible month training day at Knutsford Methodist Church on 9th March 2019. “Carry your Bible when you are young, and it will carry you when you are old,” was the saying that was emphasised throughout the day.
Left to right: Kristie Legg, Brec Seaton, Edel McClean, Jasmine Devadason, Alison Ransome, Alison Ball, Melody Clarke, Simon Sutcliffe and Alison Hulse.
Rev. Steve Wild began the day with a powerful Bible study, explaining the importance of the visible image of Christ in contrast to the invisible image of God. He called on the participants to engage in mission and evangelism as Paul had done to and through the Church of Colossians.
We had two workshops on the theological perspective of Colossians. Canon Rev. Dr. David Holgate led a workshop on “the cosmic Christ of Colossians versus human tradition and elemental spirits of the universe.” The second workshop was led by Rev. Dr. Raj Bharat Patta on “a public theological reading of Colossians”. Raj explored the kind of public conversations going on at Colossae during Paul’s time, which include a multi-faith conversation, Rome’s exit and growing philosophies of their times.
Towards the end of the training day the call was to discern to the public square of our 21st century and try to apply the gospel of Jesus Christ relevant and meaningful for us.
On the whole, the training day was a rich learning experience for many participants and all really enjoyed interacting with the magazine. Participants gave very positive feedback on the insights received during the day. As a region we look forward to next year and to focus on another book from the Bible together.
About Jasmine
Jasmine Devadason is the Learning and Development Officer of the North West & Mann regional team within the Methodist Church. Jasmine acts as the point of contact for Bolton & Rochdale District, and leads on Worship: Leading & Preaching, Candidates Support and Biblical Literacy.