God in Number 10: The Personal Faith of the Prime Ministers, from Balfour to Blair by Mark Vickers

God in Number 10: The Personal Faith of the Prime Ministers, from Balfour to Blair by Mark Vickers

This book is an attempt to consider the religious faith of nineteen British Prime Ministers, from Arthur Balfour to Tony Blair. Each chapter starts with an account of their educational and political careers, before turning in greater depth to their religious history – their family background in faith (or not); their own observance, what they said, what they wrote and how that faith, if present, affected the decisions they made and the lives they lived.

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The Abuse of Power: Confronting Injustice in Public Life by Theresa May

The Abuse of Power: Confronting Injustice in Public Life by Theresa May

As a former Prime Minister, it might have been expected that she would write her memoirs, as most do – but instead of detailing what she did in power, she looks instead at power itself – and how it is misused. Her own experiences do come in – both those for which she freely apologises and also some of the battles she had in office, particularly on Brexit.

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