BOOK OF THE MONTH: Jesus and the Powers
/This book makes a strong argument, based on Scripture and church history, for why Christians should – and must – engage with politics.
Read MoreOur Preach Christian book reviews build a reading list for preachers and leaders.
Each detailed review is based on a thorough reading, and provides an excellent introduction to the text and its usefulness for students, preachers and church leaders.
This book makes a strong argument, based on Scripture and church history, for why Christians should – and must – engage with politics.
Read MoreThe book actually sets out to show how the Jesus People movement in the US led to a similar movement over here, and how the UK version grew, who was involved, and so on. However, if you are not that interested in the US side of the story, the UK side has more than enough to hold your attention.
Read MoreScot McKnight has lived and breathed the New Testament for decades, so it would be difficult not to profit from this book.
Read MoreThese volumes are an excellent reference to have available, and you may well find yourself using them as a devotional aid for private study. There is much to learn and be inspired by here.
Read MoreThe subject certainly is a hard problem to tackle, maybe even the hardest one of all, as the title suggests. Rupert Shortt attempts to distil his own thinking on the subject and offers a short but comprehensive thesis on why, ultimately, Christians shouldn’t despair
Read MoreThe book – which is immensely readable – then moves on to consider our present status in Christ, what it means to be part of the new community of the church, what we need to put on and discard, and how we stand in our faith.
Read MoreWriting on Amos, Gregory Mobley gives archeological evidence for an earthquake also covered by Zechariah (14:5): ‘Did this earthquake… offer cosmic validation of Amos’s preaching?’
Read MoreLooking for new resources to use this Lent? Michael Marshall takes us through the Gospel of John. Amongst the new titles for Lent this year is Lent with the beloved disciple, a short series of studies in the Gospel of John, designed to be used over the 6 weeks of Lent.
Read MoreWhat did Jesus mean by his last desperate words from the cross, ‘Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani?’ Stephen Cottrell, Archbishop of York, explores their meaning.
Read MoreThis Grove booklet will be of particular interest to church leaders and pastors but also to anyone who is interested in learning the lessons from the revivals of the past.
Read MoreMany Christians suffer from poor mental health, and many struggle with the belief that such illness is a barrier to their relationship with God. But, as Christopher Cook, Isabelle Hamley and John Swinton remind us, in Struggling with God, Jesus reached out to everyone.
Read MoreRecent world events have focused attention on the Jews worldwide, and those in Britain have not escaped it. In this book Harry Freedman share what it means to be Jewish in today’s Britain.
Read MoreThis is the fourth book in a series described by Dallas Willard as ‘The best practice I have seen in Christian spiritual formation. In The Good and Beautiful You, James Bryan Smith looks at how we can become the people God created us to be.
Read MoreIf you are looking for something to joyful to counteract the dark days of January, or even as a Lent read, this could be the book for you.
Read MoreCole Moreton explores the human race through a series of encounters, with the famous, infamous and completely unknown. The result is a wonderful read and celebration.
Read MoreA fascinating delve into the archives of Radio 4’s religious affairs programme, published to mark its 50th birthday
Read MoreThe film of Oppenheimer was one of the smash hits of the summer of 2023, but what was the real story?
Read MoreRev Kate Bottley shot to fame a few years ago, and her engaging personality has kept her on our screens ever since. Peter Crumpler reviews her latest book.
Read MoreShould Christians get involved in politics? Or is it impossible to do so and to lead a righteous life? In his book A Mucky Business, veteran Christian politician Tim Farron looks at the issues.
Read MoreHow familiar are you with the entire story arc of the Bible, and why does it matter to mission? Christopher J H Wright explains in his book, The Great Story and the Great Commission.
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