Sermons on Men of the New Testament
CH Spurgeon, Hendrickson (2016)
Many readers will no doubt be familiar with the great nineteenth century ‘people’s preacher’ Charles Haddon Spurgeon...
Read MoreOur Preach Christian book reviews build a reading list for preachers and leaders.
Each detailed review is based on a thorough reading, and provides an excellent introduction to the text and its usefulness for students, preachers and church leaders.
This examination of the office of elders in the life of the church has come as a timely book to review as I have just been studying the book of James and right at the end of that letter comes the instruction that if any ....
Read MoreChris Green’s book is newly published this year and is therefore right up-to-date. The author concedes that while there already exists an enormous range of contemporary resources on teaching and preaching the Bible there are far fewer on how to actually apply...
Read MoreIn Recapturing the Voice of God, Steven W Smith responds to a weakened form of expository preaching, one that relies on a standard structure and typical three-point approach to the weekly message. Instead, he supports ‘text-driven’ preaching...
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