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In the spring issue of Preach magazine, we explore the richness and beauty of the rarely read epistles, offering unique insights into the early church. Helen Miller guides us through the book of Hebrews, while Derek Tidball reflects on Philemon. Additionally, there are articles on the three Johannine letters, Jude and more. You’ll also find contributions from our regular columnists, an interview with Tom Wright discussing his new book on Acts and insights from Phil Moore about the Christian revival in Iran. Get your copy here
Before The Night Comes: One mans fight for the girls of Brazil's 'exploitation highway' by Matt Roper (Mirror Books, 2024)
There are references to faith throughout that makes this book an enjoyable read, but its more about the stories and raising awareness of the issues in Brazil - the exploitation of girls along one of the country’s motorways. A good read for a comfy chair. Read more
Catch up on our Preaching Workshops. Watch all of our Preaching Workshops that include Simon Moore (preacher and teacher0, Andy Kind (comedian and preacher), and Dr Jenny Leith (Professor of Ethics). Watch them all here.
Ministers, storytellers and those passionate about spreading the word of God are invited to join a live online webinar hosted by presenter and storyteller Bob Hartman. This FREE session, specifically designed for individuals in ministry or those looking to share God’s message will offer valuable insights and practical training for effective preaching. Register here
This special edition takes the best articles and most inspiring interviews and book reviews from the first 10 issues of Preach.
Request your FREE copy by completing the form by visiting this page: Best of Preach
Catch up with our first Preaching Workshop for 2025 presented by Bob Hartman. Discover the art of reading the passage from Scripture with intentionality, capturing the minds and hearts of your audience before delivering the sermon – inviting the Holy Spirit to move freely in the space. Watch here.
In this interview Peter Crumpler and Chris Gillies discuss his new book On the Way to Work, and how we can - as church leaders - foster a whole-life worship approach to our congregation's lives by living with a Christ-like character even at work, at what that looks like.
Watch the video here
Peter and Alister discuss his book, Coming to Faith Through Dawkins: 12 Essays on the Pathway from New Atheism to Christianity, which Alister jointly compiled and edited with Denis Alexander.
Alister says, 'One of the major themes that keeps coming up is ‘we came to Christianity because of this remarkable figure at its centre.’' Watch the video here
Charmaine Yip and Cole Arthur Riley discuss her new book Black Liturgies, a space where black words of dignity, lament, rage and rest are curated and integrated with liberating spirituality.
She is also author of NYT bestseller This Here Flesh: Spirituality, Liberation, and the Stories that Make Us.
Watch this video and more here
Preach is the magazine for Preachers, Readers, Worship Leaders and Student Preachers - written by Preachers.
It’s published quarterly by the charity, Leaders of Worship and Preachers Trust (LWPT), as part of its mission to support preachers and worship leaders throughout the UK. You can purchase single issues in print or digital format. To receive every issue, we offer you Membership from just £30, which also includes a wealth of preaching resources
Preach is designed to help you develop your gifts of preaching and sermon writing. Ecumenical in outlook and Bible-based, it speaks in the context of current UK and world events. Each issue focuses on a theme - giving you sermon ideas and insight to connect with your congregation.
Preach gives you a broad range of perspectives - with contributors from different churches and varied backgrounds. We challenge your current thinking and encourage you to look at things from many angles.
You’ll find a great mix of articles in each issue: long features, short reviews, resources and opinion pieces - support for when you reach out to your congregation and community.
Preach is published each February, May, August and November.
Click here to find out more about Membership.
Buy single issues here.